$47 $17

Email Templates For Freelancers

Email Templates For Freelancers

Discover how a well-crafted message can improve your entire freelance business...

Since jumping feet first into consulting five years ago, I've discovered that a shocking amount of my time and my business is spent just sending emails. As a percentage of time, I'd say my business (and yours) is unavoidably tied to the success of those emails.

As principal of a web development agency, I live & die by email - last year, I sent 11,448 of them. In that time, I've tested dozens of email templates (with dozens of variations) to find the most effective, persuasive, and concise emails. The result is consistently professional correspondence, and that means more profit.

By using the very same email templates I use in my business, you'll be able to save yourself hours spent in your inbox, decrease response times, and even fight scope creep.

Here's what other freelance business owners have had to say about

What's the perfect email? The right message at the right time said with the right tone. Language that keeps you from giving the farm away, keeps your clients happy, and gets $#!& DONE. Every page of this book got me closer than I ever have been to effective email nirvana. Thanks Kurt! –Philip Morgan, author of The Positioning Manual
Kurt taught me the magic email, which has a running success rate of about 95%; therefore, in my eyes he is the Godfather of all things email. –Michael Steele, The Bright Agency
Kurt is on a roll with his second product, this one is an absolute goldmine for any freelancer. These templates will save you dozens of hours of time, while boosting your bottom line. And the best part, is that they are tried and tested, proven lines straight from Kurt's own successful agency business. –Chad Fullerton, Founder: Freelancer's Networking Group

Plus it was even featured on  by mobile consultant Jonathan Stark.

If you want to see what all the fuss is about, you can download my 37 page, 3,400 word guide to successful email templates for freelancers, with copy & paste email templates for handling dozens of situations right now.

Here's what's in it for you:

  • Save time with proven templates
  • Maintain a tone that garners respect from clients
  • Keep your projects on track with effective communication
  • Close more deals
  • Get shit done.

You'll get ready-to-use emails for handling these situations:

  • Qualifying new Leads
  • Declining a bad Fit
  • Scheduling a Call
  • The Magic Email
  • Onboarding
  • Surveying Your Clients
  • Asking for a Testimonial
  • Asking for a Referral
  • Following-up
  • Weekend Work
  • Handling NDAs

You'll also get the low-down on how I setup my GMail to triage my inbox, a list of the best email one-liners I use to keep projects on track and budget, and as a bonus, you'll learn what you should never do in an email and why.

Why wait? Buy now with a 100% satisfaction guarantee

Why put off improving your business communication? You can buy Email Templates for Freelancers right now for only $47. (The advice in chapter 1 alone is worth that.) The book comes with a 100% guarantee of your satisfaction. Seriously, if you're not happy for any reason, I'll refund your money with 14 days of your purchase.

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